

Executive teams need to know how stress can lead to common mental health problems. For example, loss of appetite, fatigue and tearfulness can be symptoms of both stress and a common mental health problem. Work-related stress can make an old mental health issue return.

We specialize in the treatment of men.

If stress is happening over the long term there is more of a chance it will turn into a mental health concern. This can permanently injure the staff affected by it. Suicide is not talked about in the workplace. Did you know that one person a day kills themselves in the US army?

Our Executive Coach is trained in how to build resilience and values with team members. Our training is from the Harvard University Positive Psychology department. We build on strengths!

Our book Creating a Solid Team Pyramid guides teams to deal with 3 points of a solid team:

  • Healthy team dynamics
  • Effective conflict resolution strategies
  • Keeping mentally fit

To have a solid team we need to work well as a team. To this how we evolve as a group and solve conflicts together is essential. Stress is always an issue so we need to keep mentally fit.