Cognitive Therapy Techniques Work! Cognitive therapy techniques provide clear structure and focus to treatment. Unlike therapies that easily drift off into interesting but unproductive side trips, CBT sticks to the point and changes course only when there are sound reasons for doing so. CBT is very practical this is why it works. It helps people...Read More
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Works! Cognitive behavior therapy is a clinically proven to work. Hundreds of studies make it clear why cognitive behavior therapy has become the preferred treatment for conditions such as these . . . Depression Social anxiety Panic attacks Obsessions and compulsions Chronic anxiety Post-traumatic stress symptoms Eating disorders and obesity Insomnia Difficulty...Read More
Help With Depression is Here! The first thing to help with depression is know what it is clearly. Meds can help but it does not have to be the first step. I help people with supplements and therapy and then suggest meds. What is Depression? Depression is a feeling of being blue and hopeless also...Read More
What is a anxiety attack? First thing asking we need to know to see how to help someone with anxiety is what is the problem and what is a anxiety attack. What causes Generalized Anxiety Disorder? The way in which someone thinks and interprets life. Who is most likely to be affected by Generalized Anxiety Disorder?...Read More
Dealing with Anxiety is Complex In dealing with anxiety we need to know what we are facing. What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder? Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized by excessive worry about future events. The person worries all the time about different things. . It may interfere with activities they would like to do. What...Read More