
Panic Attack Treatment

Panic Attack Treatment Works!

Oh how I wish life could be smooth sailing! The reality is that many of us need Panic Attack Treatment.

panic attack treatment

There is no shame in this! As a mental health professional I deal with panic from time to time. Now that I have integrated the skills I teach they are less and less but it is not always smooth sailing.

Things can hit us hard. A death of a loved one, loss of a job or simply filing a tax return knowing we will owe money! Life can be smooth sailing if we learn how to be content in our mind and then in our soul. The soul is the heart of contentment. Panic Attack Treatment needs to go beyond deep breathing yet this does help. We need to get at how to handle rough seas when the wind of discontentment is blowing. At times we are on a stormy sea and finding the deepest sense of self can help us calm the water.

Panic Attack Treatment is not an easy fix

It takes time to learn a new habit. You may need some support if you do please call me. I know this is difficult from my own experience. This morning I read a letter from the tax man! I am going to owe more that expected. How I coped to stop the panic was to…

  1. Tell myself I have the money wow that’s great. Also I will not be any better or worse off giving it to the government. Other years my tax has been very low.
  2. Take it deeper and see how this is hitting my core. My Dad was very insecure and was filled with loss thinking. I tell myself I am an abundant being, my wife is wonderful, so is my daughter this is not just about money.

We can work on this together if you need support. As shifting our thinking takes practice much like working out at the gym at times you need a trainer.

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