
Couples Counselling Beyond Fighting

Couples Counselling needs to be rooted in many aspects. The three I focus on are , building strengths together, communication that has dignity,respect and grace and lastly how to expand as individuals then putting that into the relationship. Self expansion as it relates to Couples Counselling is what I would like to talk about today.

Couples Counselling can be self expanding! We need to grow.

Couples Counselling

If would like some support in growing to together to be the best you can be. Click here!

To self expand means to grow as an individual. What is really exciting about this relates to how we can rock our relationships as couples and make who we are together and as individuals better and better. Who would not want that! Some of the things we need to do are…

Seek new experiences…

Living for the kids is not enough to grow and feel totally satisfied. We need to find new things in our life this maybe planning a trip or taking a course on arranging flowers. (My wife and I are doing both!)

We need to encourage one another to do new things…

When was the last time we encouraged our partner to do something new? This is something we need to reflect on. Does new things scare or threaten us? Is there safety in keeping things the same. Netflix can be fun but we need to get beyond the screen.

Increasing each other’s knowledge is important…

This can open up new worlds as we learn and grow from each other. Even taking interest in a sport we may have never cared about. (Pickle Ball has rocked my world lately!)

We need to make each other better people…

How can we as couples help one another be a better person? The study of faith, going to church, praying together, reading books on stoic thinking these are ways we can help each other be better together and as individuals.

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